September 13, 2009

Get On with Our Lives

Each of us has many decisions to make and we all go through many changes in the course of our lives. Some changes are big and most are small. Some come as a result of our own decisions and some come as a result of unexpected events in our lives. Either way, preparation helps shield us from the potential negative effects of these changes, challenges, and trials.

In the most recent General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Elder Steven E. Snow of the Presidency of the Seventy spoke about how we can face life's challenges and changes. His talk, entitled "Get On with Our Lives," helps us understand what we can do to "best prepare for the changes we must inevitably face as we progress through life."

His words are more than mere good advice that will probably work for some people; his words are counsel directly from our Heavenly Father and therefore will absolutely work for everyone in all situations. Try it out.


1 comment:

  1. I went to an Institute class by brother Bartholomew. He teaches the way I imagine you will teach once you get on board with CES.

