October 24, 2010

We Follow Jesus Christ

Today is not Easter, nor is Easter even a close holiday, but this month is kind of Easter's half birthday and either way any month or day is perfect for discussing the Easter message. We rejoice in all the Savior has done for us--that He has made possible for each of us to gain our salvation and exaltation if we but seek the higher ground.

Six months ago Easter morning, Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles gave a talk entitled, "We Follow Jesus Christ," which highlights certain events and attributes from the final days of the Savior's life about which we should learn more and from which we can benefit as they help us gain higher ground. I've read this talk a couple times but a few things stuck out to me tonight in particular as I reread the words of this apostle.

First, Elder Cook discussed the sacrament. I love that he pointed out that while the adversaries of Jesus Christ were plotting His unfair trial and death, Christ was thinking about us and our salvation and instituted the sacrament. Said Elder Cook, "If we are to be His disciples and to be committed members of His Church, we must remember and reverence the sacrament."

Second, Elder Cook emphasized that, just as everything the Savior did in life, Christ reiterated that we love one another. "This was the Son of God pleading with His Apostles and all disciples who would come after them to remember and follow this most central of His teachings. How we relate and interact with each other is a measure of out willingness to follow Jesus Christ" (italics added). Also, pay particular attention to his counsel on disagreements.

Third, Elder Cook talked about the blessings of slowing down, pondering, praying, and otherwise living so that we are worthy to receive and act upon the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Reception of the Holy Ghost is vital to our eternal salvation and is of utmost necessity if we are to weather the seemingly unbearable temporal and spiritual storms that inevitably come to each of us.

"The Savior's example and life teach us to spiritually avoid the low pathway, where the things of this world dominate." Let us get to higher ground by gaining a stronger appreciation for the miracle of the sacrament, striving to live with more love for our fellowmen, and living in a such a manner that we may recognize and follow the promptings of the Comforter, even the Holy Ghost. In doing so, we can receive the greatest of all the gifts of God--Eternal Life.


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